Australia has four popular "football" codes, most of which involve
more hand than feet, but the most popular nationally is Aussie Rules.
It's a very strange game for anyone who hasn't seen it before, but
it's massively popular. This Saturday is the Grand Final of the
biggest Aussie Rules competition, AFL.
A political group loosely modelled on in the US has been working
hard in Australia for the last year or two to get and keep progressive
issues on the political agenda. Their latest project is to air a brilliant
spoof of the government's "climate clever" taxpayer-funded
propaganda ads.
Importantly, the ad has high production values, is clever and
amusing, while still very clearly making the point. It's not
affiliated with any political party, which is important for my support
and differentiates it from MoveOn. Interestingly, the local TV
companies have had no problem accepting and running the ads, so far.
In the US, the equivalent sporting event regularly rejects
non-mainstream advocacy ads.
GetUp! are still
accepting donations for this campaign, to try and get the ads as
widely on Australian TV as possible. Get in there and donate!
At the very least, watch the spoof ad. If you've watched Austrlian
commercial television at all in the last month, chances are you've
seen the ad they're
spoofing. It's quite incredible at the moment -- the government
is shamelessly using taxpayer money to carpet bomb the electorate with
advertising. Every single ad break has a government ad.