Dining with food bloggers

Food porn shoot

I really enjoy Grab Your Fork but gee, going out for dinner with her must be a bit annoying. Those gorgeous photos of the food don't take themselves! In this post she records a Yum Cha with a bunch of other food nerds. And look at all the lenses!

Much as I appreciate her excellent blogging, and the spectacular photos, it'd be kinda off-putting dining with someone snapping every dish.

In other food news, we went to the Food for the Future Fair on Saturday in Chippendale. It was quite small, but really lovely. Beautiful warm weather and a very relaxed atmosphere. I've always loved the area, and miss living on Rose Street. Now the community has planted loads of edible plants in the streets, and are doing a community composting project.

The fair could have used a few more stalls, but it was pretty cool nevertheless. I would have bought more vegetables if our garden hadn't suddenly jumped into productive mode and we hadn't got our fruit and veg box that morning.

Saturday night we had a few people we'd run into at the fair around for an impromtu spring feast from the garden. I made a couple of bruschetta from garden ingredients. One was blanched baby broad beans with mint and slivers of parmesan. The other was blanched black Tuscan kale (cavolo nero) with sage and feta. Yummy!

I'm looking forward to more from the garden. We also had the first brocolli last week. We've been eating delicious rocket for a month or two now. Next up should be radish, snow peas, lettuces and more broad beans and brocolli.

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